Dear Parents:
Your child’s health and safety is our top priority in the Alexander City School System. With flu season upon us and communicable disease talk in the news, we are preparing for any type of communicable disease that may threaten our population. Alexander City School nurses are working with Russell Medical Center and the Alabama Department of Public Health to ensure the safety and wellness of our faculty and students.
The most important safety factor stressed by the Centers for Disease Control is PREVENTION. Everyone should remember that hand washing is key to prevention. At school, we will continue to stress its importance, and we encourage parents to do the same at home. In addition to hand washing, our school classrooms have hand sanitizer for use in between hand washings.
Each school website has a link to resources on prevention and facts about communicable diseases, and we will continue to post other resources as they are made available. Please feel free to contact your school nurse for any further questions or concerns.
Charity Spann, RN Lead Nurse, Alexander City Schools
Your child’s health and safety is our top priority in the Alexander City School System. Please view important information in the documents or links below.